Blog Category Organization

30 Day Declutter Challenge

30 Day Declutter Challenge

Remember when you wished for the world to pause so you could have time to get organized? Well, your wish has come true, but where do you begin? Looking at the overall project can be overwhelming, so we have broken them down into manageable assignments, spread out over...

Spring Cleaning Simplified

Spring Cleaning Simplified

It’s that time of year! Time to freshen up the house and enjoy the space. Identify your Priorities. Rather than being overwhelmed by all you would like to do and in your muddled state getting nothing accomplished, just pick a few areas you want to concentrate on....

Stuff Management

Stuff Management

Creating a space with only the stuff you love and enjoy will allow you to spend your time and energy on the things that matter most to you Prioritize your stuff. By keeping only the things that you love and enjoy you will have less to manage, making it easier to stay...

Paper Management

Paper Management

Taming the paper tiger will save you time and money Paper chaos is one of the biggest organizing challenges clients face. It seems to breed while we aren’t looking. It’s hard to keep up with what is coming in and even harder when you get behind. Reduce the amount of...

Time Management

Time Management

Where do you want to invest your time to make the greatest contribution? There are so many good opportunities that present themselves to us every day. When we try to do them all we are stretched too thin so that we don’t do anything well. Set your priorities. A good...

Get Organized in 2020

Get Organized in 2020

Happy New Year! The new year gives us the opportunity for a fresh start and this year is monumental because we start a new decade! Each one of us is given “one wild and precious life” and we must choose how we spend our time and energy. During the month of January, we...

The Basics of Hoarding

The Basics of Hoarding

I just finished reading The House We Grew Up In by Lisa Jewell. When I picked up the book, I had no idea that the story was about a mother and the progression from being someone who is sentimental and love things to an extreme hoarder. I thought the author did a great...

Basic Necessities for a Productive Workspace

Basic Necessities for a Productive Workspace

Whether your office is a corner office in a high-rise or desk in a corner of a room in your home, having the right set up can help you work less and be more productive – something we all need more of. However, most people endure an inadequate, disorganized workspace...

Start Your Day Off Right

Start Your Day Off Right

The lazy days of summer are behind us! School is starting back! It is time to get back to a routine to make the start to your day a little less stressful. A little advanced preparation can keep you sane during those busy weeks! Weekend Prep After a busy week the last...