Blog Category Organization



Things have changed a lot in the 18 years we have been helping hoarders regain their lives. Initially, it was not recognized or understood by the American Psychiatric Association, but we have come a long way. Many councilors are trained in helping clients deal with...

5 Ways Coaching Increases Organizational Skills

5 Ways Coaching Increases Organizational Skills

By Cori Freeman, Strategic Business Coaching Few things can increase organizational skills and bring about a renewed sense of clarity more than coaching.   Coaching takes you from where you are to where you want to be, while also providing many benefits such...

Declutter Challange – Week 5

Declutter Challange – Week 5

Before we get started, take time to relax and enjoy your organized living areas.  Plan a movie or game night and support you favorite local restaurant by ordering take out. Here's a sneak peak at the assignments for our final week working in the...