Free Yourself from the Burden of a Storage Unit

Oct 3, 2019 | Relocation

At least 10% of all Americans rent a storage unit and most never visit the unit to access the things they thought they couldn’t part with. It is very easy to rent a storage unit, thinking it will be a short-term commitment. Before you know it, you have spent thousands of dollars on things you realize you don’t need and surly aren’t worth the money spent to store them. At the same time, the thought of emptying it can seem overwhelming so it’s easier to just keep paying the monthly fee, thinking that eventually you will get around to addressing the issue.

It is time to free yourself from the burden, financially and emotionally. There is no better time than now, when the weather is perfect for working outside.

  • Prepare yourself. Get motivated to let things go and no longer be weighted down by the stuff you are storing. Put in your 30-day notice to give yourself a deadline. We are there to cheer you on and make sure you succeed!
  • Get help. If you go to the storage unit without being fully equipped, with the labor you need to tackle the job, you are likely to close the door and walk away. We can line up all of the services you need for a job like this to get it done quickly and easily – Haulers to take donations and trash, boxes, bags, etc.
  • Get to work. Begin to pull things out and make decisions on whether to keep (make sure you have a place for these items to go at your home and put them in your car), sell (be realistic about how much time you want to commit to this task) donate or trash the items. We can provide the physical labor while you make the decisions.
  • Reward yourself for the hard work. Think about what you want to do with the money you are no longer wasting on storage. Treat your family out to a nice meal once a month, hire someone to help around the house, put the money towards a remodeling project you have been wanting to tackle.

You can do it and we are here to help! Call today to discuss how we can help you empty that money pit in the most efficiently way possible. During the month of October and November, we are offering a FREE HOUR when you schedule a session to clear out your storage unit.  909.307.4862